NACC’s next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 13th , at 7 pm in the club house.
I regret to inform you of the passing of club member, Mark Lewis on 10-22-19. He was a great supporter of the club. Our sympathy goes out to his family. Mark was awarded the Ben Dall Lifetime Achievement Award by the club in 2016. He was acknowledged for his sincere dedication to our club as he served many years as an officer and trustee. And he held the title “club chef”, as he led our annual breakfast events, and always made lunch for the members after our monthly meetings. Mark also was the one who initiated the golf outing funds to be solely used for sending kids to the Karl Kelly Conservation Camp back in 2006. The outing has been a tremendous success in allowing NACC to accomplish its mission of engaging children in conservation. Many years ago, Mark held the position of IWF District Director for Indiana Wildlife Federation. He was a friend of many and encouraged all to come join us. Mark’s last event at the club was September 21, 2019 golf outing. He will be dearly missed.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST on Sunday, October 27th was very successful. Sarah L. would like to thank everyone for stepping up and helping during her absence. Also, a big thank you for coming out and supporting the club. Details forthcoming at the meeting. Mark your calendar, our next breakfast at the legion will be Sunday, March 29, 2020.
Tree Seedling order has been finalized and confirmed. Trees will arrive in the spring of 2020.
NACC ANNUAL GUN SAFE RAFFLE – Tickets are available at this meeting to purchase or you can get one at Klump’s Tavern. All tickets need to be sold and turned in by Sunday,December 8th . Richard K. will be collecting them at Klump’s Tavern that day. The drawing is slated to be held at our December 11th meeting. Only 200 Tickets are being Sold! The cost is $10.00 per ticket. Contact Richard Kuebel, treasurer, to get your tickets.
The NACC would like to thank all those (19) who made a donation in memory of Dale Allen to the New Alsace Conservation Club.
Rob Seig says he hopes to have the Golf Outing proceeds finalized at this meeting, so we can determine the number of kids we can support for camp. We will then be able to begin solicitation of 5th & 6th grade school kids for the 2020 Karl E. Kelly Conservation Camp, which will be held the 3rd week of June 2020. More details next month.
21ST ANNUAL RUTH LYONS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FUND BENEFIT COON Hunt is being held December 7, at the Sunman Fish and Game Club starts at noon.
2020 MEMBERSHIP DUES are now being collected. NACC dues annually are $12.00 and you can pick up an affiliate Indiana Wildlife Federation for the discounted fee of $20.00 (optional) Enclosed is a membership form, fill out and mail to: New Alsace Conservation Club, PO Box 302, Sunman, IN 47041 “There is strength in numbers”! NOTE: SOME MEMBERS HAVE PAID MULTIPLY YEARS IN ADVANCE. IF YOUR ONE OF THEM, DISREGARD THIS NOTICE: IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, CHECK THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE THIS LETTER CAME IN. ABOVE YOU NAME IS A DATE – THIS IS HOW LONG YOUR DUES ARE PAID THROUGH.
Nominations for 2020 Club officers will open at this November meeting, with elections following at the December meeting.
Hunting seasons are open now. So be alert to your surroundings when outside doing your thing, whether it be hunting, hiking or just wandering the great outdoors of Indiana.
IDNR – Did you know the Indiana Department of Natural Resources is ending their 100th year of existence. They had started as the Department of Conservation in 1919 and in 1965 became the DNR with the General Assembly’s passage of the Natural Resource Act.
Remember when using the club grounds, leave it looking as it was or better. Carry all trash out with you. Thanks.
Yours in Conservation,
Chuck Schmeltzer, President Phone: 812-623-4103 For more info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail: [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section. NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the state of Indiana .