NACC Newsletter – March 2023

NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, MARCH 8, at 7 pm in the club house. 

A  BIG thank you to everyone who came out for the super bowl wild game dinner party.  There was a nice crowd on hand for the festivities.  Everyone brought their favorite dish for all to enjoy, including some grouse stew and fried turtle. Many members who came paid their dues which was very much appreciated.   If you haven’t  paid your dues yet, it is time to get it done. Mail them in or come to the next meeting and settle up . Just $12 a year!

Hunter’s Education Classes are being offered locally at the Dearborn County Fair Grounds in Abner Hall on March 24 & 25.  You can register on-line at the DNR website  through  Don’t wait to long cause they only take 30.  There is no cost – free.

I had the opportunity while in Batesville, to stop in the NEW  hunting and fishing shop – Rusty Buck  located out past the Kroger store.  They have lots of guns and fishing rods and reels along with  equipment and accessories that  is worth checking out.    I also got to speak with the owner, Aaron Nobbe, who just happens to live in the Dover area. He said they have another store down in Versailles.  Further discussion with Aaron led me to our  upcoming gun raffle….. maybe we could work a deal to support  someone local that could meet our criteria and time frames.  This is not to say we’ve  had any bad experiences with our past supplier, the Gun Cave in Shelbyville… This is just a little more convenient and closer  if it would work out.

The trustees did a fantastic job installing our new water heater last month, and just in time for the parties.  Thank You.

Dale reported on the 2022 annual audit ending December 31, 2022 that was done in January this year.  Gross revenue : dues  collected $1044.00, donations $465.00, gross revenue derived from activities $26725.48 for a Total Revenue of  $28,234.48

Expenses paid out:  attributed to activities $15373.03, unrelated to activities $6991.02.  contributions/sponsorship $4850.00  for a Total Expenses of $27214.05           We ended up with a positive cash flow equal to $1020.43 for the year.

The newly named  Mark Lewis Memorial Fund to send kids to the  Karl E. Kelly Youth Conservation Camp had a balance of $11191.58

And our available Cash Flow in Checking Account had a balance of $17836.20

We also updated our calendar of events for the year and reviewed all aspects and operations that are performed to meet the standards required to keep the club a non-profit organization and a enjoyable experience for our membership.

Club House  will be closed on  Saturday June 10, 2023 – Phil Buckhave Graduation Party

Saturday, March 18  –    CLEAN UP DAY AT CLUB PROPERTY MEET AT 9AM  bring some yard tools.

Our 35th Annual Fishing Derby is May 6.  Dale and his derby committee are soliciting for sponsors now to support this event.  The DEADLINE FOR SPONSORS MAKING THE POSTER BOARD IS MARCH 24.  Don’t be late!!  We do take sponsors after the deadline, they are just not recognized in our advertising this year. ……  SOMETHING NEW THIS COMING YEAR ….   ALL WORKERS OF THE DERBY, FRIDAY EVENING and/or SATURDAY DERBY DAY  WILL RECEIVE A WORKERS T-SHIRT.  SO ALL MEMBERS WHO ARE  PLANNING TO  HELP AT THE DERBY- I NEED YOUR T-SHIRT SIZE  IMMEDIATELY.  I WILL BE ORDERING T- SHIRTS IN 10 DAYS.  Send me a text at 812-212-2601, email at [email protected], call and leave message at 812-623-2431   Tell me your name and  adult size.  It’s a one time deal so don’t be left out.  And thanks for your commitment to helping us at the derby.

2023 MEMBERSHIP DUES are now being collected.   New members are welcome.   If you already paid your dues, thank you for your being apart of our organization.  NACC dues annually are $12.00  and you can pick up  an affiliate membership of  Indiana Wildlife Federation for the discounted  fee of $20.00 (optional)   mail to:  New Alsace Conservation Club, PO Box 302, Sunman, IN  47041  NOTE:  SOME MEMBERS HAVE PAID MULTIPLY YEARS IN ADVANCE. IF YOUR ONE OF THEM, DISREGARD THIS NOTICE:  IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, CHECK THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE THIS LETTER CAME IN.   ABOVE YOU NAME IS A DATE – THIS IS HOW  LONG YOUR DUES ARE PAID THROUGH.

Chuck Schmeltzer,  President              Phone:  812-623-4103

For more  info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail:  [email protected] or  go to and submit your questions through the comment section.  NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the  state of Indiana .                                                                                                                                                                                           db