NACC Newsletter – September 2020

NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 9th , at 7 pm in the club house.   

Our 14th Annual Golf Outing at North Branch Golf Course is on September 19,    The awards dinner follows at the NACC club house.  Golfers will play 18 holes, with 4 man teams.  There will be Skins, Morning breakfast sandwiches, and Prime Rib Dinner.  TBA – Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin.  Cost for the event is $260.00 per four man team.  A $65.00 deposit is required to reserve per team.  Tee off is at 8:00 am.  For info, contact Rob Seig, 812-209-9099 or e-mail at [email protected]

Golf Outing Workers needed. We will be putting up tents at the club house on Friday afternoon, Sept. 18  two on deck and one in the yard, plus setting up tables and chairs   Also, we need workers at the golf course to help with food  Saturday morning. We will meet at club house to load supplies at 5:15 and hope to arrive at course by 6:30 am.  Golfers will want to eat before tee off at 8am.

Our fall breakfast is on for October 25 at the New Alsace’s American Legion and will run from 7:30 am until noon.   A flier is included today  for you to help us advertise this event.  More fliers available at the meeting.

NACC EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT, by James Bulach – James presented the club a contract signed by his Unit Leader, Keith Millson and Unit Committee Rep. Lisa Rullman to be reviewed by NACC members and then approved by  vote.  NACC members approved and President Chuck S. signed it.  James was to return the contract to his superiors and get us a copy for filing. James also submitted a construction estimate and list of materials that will be needed to complete the project.  These items can be donated to the project or will be needed to be purchased.   Maybe you know someone who can donate some of these materials to the scouts or would like to make a monetary donation to help purchase them. The List as presented:  28 inch 4.66 blocks tall, 24 inch 4 blocks tall, 22 inch 3.66 blocks tall, 15 inch 2.5 height, 48 cents per paver,  7.75x4x1.75 area of a paver is 31 sq inch, 2,435 pavers are needed.  $1.90 per retaining wall block, 6×17.5×7 for 167 radius, area is 524.14 sq ft.,  165 wall blocks needed $1676.00, 60 wall caps $112.00, 2435 pavers $1047.05, Base Gravel 73s $10.95/ton, 4 tons are $43.80,  plus a little sand too.  Limestone Bench & 2 memorial stones (Engraving not included) estimated at $1500.00.   Estimated total cost $4850.00 WE do have in-kind donation of bobcat use and dump bed for hauling. We are looking for in-kind donation of a compactor to use.     If you would like to make a donation to the  NACC Memorial Park Scout Project by James Bulach, contact  [email protected] 812-212-3153 25954 Legion Rd, Sunman, IN 47041-8662

NACC completed  our Indiana Business Entity filing with the Secretary of State. Our next filing is October 2022. Thanks Rob S.

Tree Seedling orders taken now.  List posted at Klump’s Tavern, contact Dale Back  812-623-2431 Deadline  September 26.

Club House will be closed on:   Sept. 12, Slugger Kuebel party.

DNR NEWS:  Changes made to online license system portal…… Don’t wait to the last minute to buy your hunting or fishing license.  A new state online portal called Access Indiana  is used to by 18 different services, including the DNR now, which is where you must go to purchase license.    You will have to create your Access Indiana account before supplying additional DNR-specific account information.  For assistance with user names or passwords, call 800-457-8283 for Access Indiana customer support. ( The DNR is unable t assist you with this). IWF News – Indiana Wildlife Federation Director, Emily Wood’s reported that our U.S. House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Development Act of 2020.  The resolution includes provisions to authorize construction at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam in  Illinois, which serves as a choke-point and final barrier to prevent Asian carp and other invasive species from entering Lake Michigan.  Also, they are now considering this same type of action in the TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority waters  to prevent  the Asian Carp from spreading into those waters too.    We are now waiting  for the vote to authorize funding for 34 Army Corp of Engineer Projects including this Lock and Dam Barrier Project in Joliet, Illinois by the U.S. Senate.

Yours in Conservation,

Chuck Schmeltzer,  President              Phone:  812-623-4103     

 For more  info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail:  [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section.  NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the  state of Indiana .                                                                                                                                                                                           db