NACC’s next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 11th , at 7 pm in the club house. We need to do some weed eating around the pond and club house. So we would like a few members to bring their weed eaters to the meeting an hour early to help get this job done.
NACC 13TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING – SEPTEMBER 21 – at NORTH BRANCH GOLF COURSE, 8492 E. Base Rd., Greensburg, IN. Rob Seig and Mark Lewis with the help of George Schmeltzer and Gutz Callahan are heading up the event. As you all probably know, All proceeds go towards sending kids to the conservation camp. Over the last 12 years we have sent 83 kids to camp. Rob has sent out letters to past “hole sponsors” and asked for their support, and they are beginning to respond graciously. We are in need of new sponsors too, just give Rob a call. North Branch is located of I-74 New Point exit- about a 25 minute drive from our club. Golfers will tee off at 8:00 am and the cost of the event for a four-some is $260.00. A deposit of $65.00 is required to reserve your team spot. We will again be serving breakfast on the course and prime rib dinner at the club house with the award ceremony. A sign-up list is on the bulletin board at Klump’s Tavern.
Now is the time to get your foursome together and deposit turned in as we are expecting a bigger turnout this year. Contact
[email protected] ph. 812-209-9099 or George Schmeltzer ph. 812-221-0223.
WORKERS NEEDED FOR GOLF OUTING Saturday morning, George will be at the club house starting the prime rib around 4 am and preparing breakfast to be taken to the course….Workers should arrive at 5:30 to load supplies for the course and will need to be loaded and ready to leave the club house at 6 am. More members help is needed at the course to assist
with registration, serving etc. And then a few members are needed to assist George, Gutz and Mark at the club house late morning and to set up the club house for the dinner and awards party. If you are helping out – let George know – ph. 812-221-0223 or Myself know. Thanks for your continued support.
NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER TREE SEEDLINGS FOR 2020 SPRING PLANTING…. There are over 50 different species available from the DNR Nursery in Vallonia, IN. A list will be posted at the club house and tavern, or you can call Dale Back – info below. The deadline for order seedlings through the club is September 25th.
OCTOBER 27, 2019 is our fall SAUSAGE & PANCAKE BREAKFAST at the New Alsace American Legion from 7:30am to noon. Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage & Pancakes, Home Fries, Ham, Eggs to order, Fruit Cocktail, Coffee Cake Juice and Coffee will be served. We have a dollar increase for Adults since the cost of food has continued to increase, but the children
cost are the same. Cost is $10.00 for adults, $4.00 for Children under 10 and children under 3 eat free. We have included a flier in today’s mailing for you to help us promote the the breakfast. Please post the flier where we can attract more patrons. More copies at the club house if needed. Thanks for your help. If you have any questions contact Sarah Lewis, Breakfast
Chairwoman at Ph. (513) 310-7057 or e-mail [email protected]
HYDRILLA (Hydrilla verticillata) This is an INVASIVE aquatic plant with leaves that whorled around the stem. It is also know as a “super weed” that fills the pond, lake or river it infest, topping out at the surface, hydrilla can grow an inch a day. When hydrilla invades, native aquatic plants are shaded out by the plant’s thick mats or simply out competed, then eliminated. It has been around more than 60 years and has spread rapidly. Typically it has fives leaves whorled around the stem but could be two to eight. Leaves have distinctly serrated edges, and range from 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. Often hydrilla is confused with Indiana natives elodea or common water weed, but can be distinguished from look-alikes by the presence of its tubers, which are off-white to yellowish, pea-like structures that form on the roots. This prohibited species should no longer be sold but still shows up in aquariums and plant shipments on occasion. So never dump aquariums into nearby ponds or lakes, or waterways and don’t allow plants and animals from water gardens to escape into them either. More info is at Outdoor Indiana, Eric Fischer, Division of Fish & Wildlife
Remember when using the club grounds, leave it looking as it was or better. Carry all trash out with you. Thanks.
Yours in Conservation,
Chuck Schmeltzer, President Phone: 812-623-4103
For more info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail: [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section. NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization
incorporated in the state of Indiana .