NACC Newsletter – October 2022

“40 years of Conservation”

NACC 40 YEAR CELEBRATION  SATURDAY 10-15-22 AT 1:30pm          

NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, October 12, at 7 pm in the club house. 

NACC 16th Annual Golf Outing   at Brook Hill Golf Course was a great success for first year chairman, Casey Gilmore.  Casey  and  co-chair Slugger Kuebel  would like to thank all the workers and sponsors for making the golf outing possible…..  And a special thanks to George Schmeltzer and Gutz Callahan for all their work with the prime rib dinner… NEXT YEARS GOLF OUTING DATE, Saturday, September 16, 2023.

Individual winners from this years outing:  Split the Putt – Larry Decker,  Closest to the pin hole #3 – Greg Graf,  Closest to the pin hole #7 – Tom Fledderman,  Closest to the pin hole #11 Allen Laws,  Women’s longest drive – Chris Voelker,  Men’s longest drive – Emmert Leffler.  Team winners:  1st place: Smoothy’s team of Randell, Chris, and Eric,   2nd place:  Rick Murphy’s team of Larry, Brandon, and Brent,    3rd place:  Roger Fox’s team of John, Kelly, and Andy.   All proceeds support sending kids to camp next year.

Next month at the November meeting we will begin solicitation for campers for next June’s camp.  Any 5th or 6th grade boy or girl who is interested in going to camp should contact  NACC Secretary, Dale Back to get your name on the list.  text: 812-212-2601 or email: [email protected].. The Deadline for camper registration is February 1, 2023.

BEN DALL AWARD was presented to Mike Gubser. on September 17, 2022  The NACC every couple of years presents the Ben Dall Lifetime Achievement Award to a very deserving member of our club.  Ben Dall, our first president had a vision to make this club a strong pillar in the community and is why we give out this award in honor of him.  This year, Mike was selected by the committee because he has demonstrated outstanding efforts, in the past and present, to make our club stronger and better for future members to continue our conservation mission.   Mike has served as president and 4 or 5 years as vice president of our club in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s.  Also Mike was instrumental in helping the club develop our mission statement, which has kept us focused , and joined together as we are today, on the conservation education of children in our community.  And, Mike led our club through some very challenging times as we pursued the construction of our existing club house. Meeting the demands of the  Dearborn County Planning and Zoning Board was a very difficult task to accomplish.  Congratulations Mike! Mike’s name has been added to the plaque of past winners of this prestigious award that is displayed in the club house.

 HAND GUN RAFFLE December 14 – We have tickets available at this meeting, contact Richard Kuebel, treasurer –  Springfield HellCat, 9mm with Red Dot


TREE SEEDLING ORDERS  were submitted to the IDNR Vallonia State nursery.  We are now waiting on confirmation of order.

The club made a $100 Donation to the Gobble Wobble  5K Run that is put on by All Saints Parish  on Thanksgiving Day.  All proceeds from this event support the N. Dearborn Food Pantry, Sunman Food Pantry and the E.C. High School Food Pantry.  Note of interest from their committee, in the last 8 years this event has donated over $280,000.00 to the food pantries.

CLUB HOUSE CLOSED- November 6, 2023  Baby shower – Aaron True  (CORRECTION)

Chuck Schmeltzer,  President              Phone:  812-623-4103

2023 MEMBERSHIP DUES are now being collected.   New members are welcome.   If you already paid your dues, thank you for your being apart of our organization.  NACC dues annually are $12.00  and you can pick up  an affiliate Indiana Wildlife Federation for the discounted  fee of $20.00 (optional)   mail to:  New Alsace Conservation Club, PO Box 302, Sunman, IN  47041  NOTE:  SOME MEMBERS HAVE PAID MULTIPLY YEARS IN ADVANCE. IF YOUR ONE OF THEM, DISREGARD THIS NOTICE:  IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, CHECK THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE THIS LETTER CAME IN.   ABOVE YOU NAME IS A DATE – THIS IS HOW  LONG YOUR DUES ARE PAID THROUGH.


For more  info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail:  [email protected] or  go to and submit your questions through the comment section.  NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the  state of Indiana .                                                                                                                                                                                           db