NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, May 11 , at 7 pm in the club house.
CLEAN UP GROUNDS AT 5 PM WEDNESDAY BEFORE MEETING – General yard cleaning to make mowing easier.
New Alsace Conservation Club’s 34th Annual Fishing Derby was held Saturday, May 7th , some details will be forthcoming. At our last meeting, Chairman Dale B. updated on the progress of the derby. Everything is on schedule to have a great derby. Something added new this year, all derby participants will receive a commemorative hat on derby day. (until we run out) Thanks to all our sponsors.
NACC Trustees Gun Raffle – Tickets are now available from Treasurer, Richard K. We are raffling off a Mossberg 6.5 Creedmore Rifle with a Vortex Scope and Woodstock. We are only selling 250 tickets at a cost of $10.00 each. The drawing will be held at our regular monthly meeting on July 13, 2022.
The Club has filed their Federal 990 form to maintain the not for profit status of 501 (C) (4). Thank you Rob Seig for doing this.
The Club is still seeking a Chairman for the upcoming golf outing this fall. We will assist anyone who is interested in this task, so the transfer of information goes smoothly.
Club House will be closed on Saturday, May 14 – Tom Becker birthday party
DID YOU KNOW? – This year the NACC is celebrating our 40th year of operation as a not for profit corporation in Indiana. Back in 1982 under president, Ben Dall and the help of John Graf our club filed the papers to become incorporated. The papers were filed by local Lawyer, Mike Gryser (married Ruth Hoffbauer of New Alsace). At the time, Mike worked for Schenly Industries in Greendale. Our club will be planning a celebration party later this year for members.
Some NACC members were in attendance at member, James Bulach’s Eagle Scout Honor reception at the New Alsace American Legion. After the event, many attendees came to the club property to view the Ben Dall Park project. What an honor to be part of this.
Dearborn County Solid Waste Mg mt. is having a Recycling Event on May 14, 8am-Noon, at the Old North Dearborn Elementary School Parking Lot, 5678 N. Dearborn Rd. Examples of accepted items include: Garden/Workshop – bug sprays, adhesives, fertilizers, oil-base paint, propane tanks. Garage/auto – brake fluid, gasoline, grease & degrease, cleaners. Household – bleach, drain openers, tub& tile cleaners, oven cleaners. Personal Care – hair dyes, nail polish, perm chemicals. Call 812-926-9963 for more information.
Tree specie you may not have seen lately – Northern Catalpa, scientific name speciosa. Everything about this tree is visually interesting from its large heart shaped leaves, reaching up to 12″ in length and 8″ width. It flowers large, white, trumpet-shaped blooms that are mildly fragrant. Its petals feature yellow and purple lines and spots. It has bean-like pods, 8-20 inches long and 1/4-1/2 inch wide. The pods start of green and turn brown when ripe. Bark is grayish- brown with scaly plates with age. The catalpa is the sole host of the catalpa sphinx moth. It is also popular with honeybees and hummingbirds. It prefers full sun or partial shade. It grows best in deep moist loam soil but will tolerate a wide range of other conditions. I believe member Tom Klump has one in his front yard on North Dearborn Rd. you can view when driving by.
2022 MEMBERSHIP DUES are now being collected. New members are welcome. If you already paid your dues, thank you for your being apart of our organization. NACC dues annually are $12.00 and you can pick up an affiliate Indiana Wildlife Federation for the discounted fee of $20.00 (optional) mail to: New Alsace Conservation Club, PO Box 302, Sunman, IN 47041 NOTE: SOME MEMBERS HAVE PAID MULTIPLY YEARS IN ADVANCE. IF YOUR ONE OF THEM, DISREGARD THIS NOTICE: IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, CHECK THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE THIS LETTER CAME IN. ABOVE YOU NAME IS A DATE – THIS IS HOW LONG YOUR DUES ARE PAID THROUGH..
Yours in Conservation,
Chuck Schmeltzer, President Phone: 812-623-4103
For more info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail: [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section. NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the state of Indiana . db