NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 12, at 7 pm in the club house.
CLEAN UP DAY MARCH 15 at 9 am at the club house. The yards need cleaned, tree limbs cut back, gutters cleaned, clean garage out, rain garden cut back, bee habitat cleaned, Autumn Olive trees cut down across pond, install flags, Lots of help needed to tackle these areas bring your tools.
Our 37th Fishing Derby committee is working hard to complete sponsor solicitation. The deadline to make the poster & flier is March 20. Dale and Jennifer appreciate all the help to make this a success. Posters are to be printed and available for distribution by April 1st. All committed sponsor donations will need to be collected by that time so items can be purchased. Many sponsors have mailed theirs in! Mark your calendar May 3, 2025.
Our Executive Board met February 11 to review our past year as a conservation club and to complete our annual in house financial audit. The audit is needed to meet the requirements of maintaining our federal not-for-profit status. Our review of past year showed some maintenance items completed and some that continue to need attention. Another major concern is the replacement of our club treasurer for year 2026, as Richard Kuebel will be retiring after a decade of service. Thank you Richard! Slugger agreed to mow club property again, and Chuck will do snow removal when needed. We will need to work on the Tanner’s Creek property, as there are many trees that have fallen and need to be removed there, along with inspecting the bridge structure again. Painting is needed on our property gates and small signs.
Also, every three years we establish the Ben Dall Award committee, total of 5, to select an outstanding member from the past or current membership who has helped our club maintain our traditions or has made significant contributions to our clubs mission. The award winner will be added to the honorary plaque in the club house. We are looking for one more club member to join the established committee leaders of President, Chuck S. and Past-president, Rob S.. Slugger and Gutz have volunteered could use
one more.
The board also discussed again, another use of our growing funds, the Mark Lewis Memorial Camper Fund, of which we pay camper fees out of each year for our youth conservation education mission. The board came to an agreement, that we will, when able to, make donations to other youth education programs that relate to our education mission. This year we will donate $500 to Lecher’s 3rd Annual Youth Turkey Hunt that is held locally at Coonhunters Sporting Clays sight on St. Rd. 129 south of Batesville on
April 19. This event is ran by Allen Lecher and NACC club member Andrew Decker. We will have a presentation at this meeting.
NACC Audit January 1, 2024 thru December 31,2024 was completed. Some of highlights are: Gross Revenue, income collected including items (such as dues, gun raffles fishing derby, golf outing, hat sales, tree purchase, donations to us) totaled $30679.29. Expenses paid out,to support the above activity items along with non-activity items, such as insurance, electric,postage, lawn care, fees, donations and misc. items, totaled $26843.52. Thus, leaving the club with excess of revenue for this period totaling $3835.77. Our current checking account balance, which includes the Mark Lewis Camp Fund & the Dillon Rullman Eagle Scout funds as of 12-31-24 is $39,431.86 of this amount, the club has available $24,115.59 that is non- dedicated. Audit report is posted at club.
Gun Raffle Tickets are available at this meeting. Drawing June 11.
SCATTER BOARD Squares are available to purchase at the meeting, just two dollars per square.
We filed our annual Federal form 990 report 3-2-25 for 2024. Filed our annual State Tax form ST-103 2-5-25
NACC is now collecting membership dues for 2025 year. Check your envelope this letter came in, On the front above your name is the date you are paid up to. If your not payed up, please do so. Thank you. More info below.
Yours in Conservation, Chuck Schmeltzer, President Phone: 812-623-4103
** 2025 MEMBERSHIP DUES are now being collected. New members are welcome. If you already paid your dues, thank you for your being apart of our organization. NACC dues annually are $12.00 and you can pick up an affiliate membership of Indiana Wildlife Federation for the discounted fee of $20.00 (optional) mail to: New Alsace Conservation Club, PO Box 302, Sunman, IN 47041 NOTE: SOME MEMBERS HAVE PAID MULTIPLY YEARS IN ADVANCE. IF YOUR ONE OF THEM, DISREGARD THIS NOTICE: IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, CHECK THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE THIS LETTER CAME IN. ABOVE YOU NAME IS A DATE – THIS IS HOW LONG YOUR DUES ARE PAID THROUGH.
For more info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)212-2601 or E-mail: [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section. NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the state of Indiana