NACC Newsletter – June 2020

NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 10th , at 7 pm in the club house.   Come early to trim trees back for Scout Project,  chain saws are needed.

We will be doing this by social distancing.


I am sad to say, club member, Bob Walker passed away on May 16.  Our sympathy goes out to wife Elaine and family.  Bob was also an affiliate member of the Indiana Wildlife Federation for many years. Bob attended most meetings when not farming, He chopped a lot of potatoes at our club breakfast and was a dedicated worker and sponsor of the fishing derby.  His soft spoken nature, wouldn’t allow us to put his name on our derby poster, so he went by by the “Westender”

New Alsace Conservation Club’s 32nd Annual Fishing Derby is to be held Saturday, June 20th at Lake in the Pines.

 Over $1500 worth of Prizes & Door prizes are to be given away.  Registration begins at 6AM  and throughout the day, with the derby beginning at 7AM  and running to 5PM.  No fishing license are required on this private lake. RAIN OR SHINE – again we will have two categories:  Adults, 12 yrs & older with a fee of $18.00;  and Children Under 12 – Free.  Each category can fish for catfish, bass or blue gill, with a special catch catfish prize available to either group.  More info can be obtained on the posters and fliers, or call Dale B. 812-623-2431 or e-mail [email protected] or call the lake at 812-623-2136.   Lunch will be available during the derby as in the past.  Fliers and posters are available at this meeting

NACC FISHING DERBY  SETUP – Lots of help is needed to prepare for the derby on Friday evening, June 19.  Members should meet at the Lake in the Pines club house at 5:30 to set up prizes, weigh station and lunch stand area etc.

NACC DERBY WORKERS ARE NEEDED on  Saturday, derby day , and need to arrive by 5AM  to prepare for fishermen who will be there waiting to register.  The derby starts at 7am.   If you  can’t make it early, any help will be much appreciated as we expect to need from 35 to 50 workers.

NACC DERBY COMMITTEE MEMBERS need to finish distributing posters and fliers, along with collecting sponsor donations .this first two weeks of April to get the word out on the derby.   Advertising was mailed out on April 1st.   All sponsor donation will need to be delivered to Dale by April 26.  Late arrivals are accepted but do present extra work in organizing


  NACC DERBY RAFFLE   (new this year)      Guided Pheasant Hunt for 2 Hunters, Value $300.00, provided by Yorkridge Hunt Club, owner Brian Lane. Drawing on Derby Day at 5 pm.  Each Ticket $5.00.  Hunts available November 1, 2020 thru March 29, 2021.  If your interested in a ticket/s   call Dale at 812-623-2431 or  email.  TICKETS ARE FOR SALE NOW AND AVAILABLE AT MEETING and AT THE DERBY

Trustees have been busy,  Some of the cattails were sprayed.  Also the our pond has been treated to control the on coming algae.  Plans are being made to re- stain the outdoor deck. And they are doing well to keep up with the grass mowing..

NACC EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT, by James Bulach  is in progress.  He spoke about the need to raise funds to pay for the project.  James also said he can accept material donations, cash donations and service in-kind donations.  At this time we don’t have a material list for the project, but we are looking for limestone material to make some benches and some larger limestone memorial slabs (2), retaining wall block and pavers.  Some of the “in-kind” donations James will need are: a bob cat, truck or trailer to haul stone base, compactor.  All commitments and donations must be in place in the master plan before it can be submitted to Scout Leaders for approval.

2020 MEMBERSHIP DUES are now being collected.  NACC dues annually are $12.00.  For those who hadn’t paid by now, this will be your last newsletter.

Yours in Conservation,

Chuck Schmeltzer,  President              Phone:  812-623-4103     

 For more  info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail:  [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section.  NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the  state of Indiana .                                                                                                                                                                                           db