NACC Newsletter – July 2022

NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 13, at 7 pm in the club house. 

NACC Executive Board Semi-annual meeting to be held on Tuesday,July 19 at 6:30  in the club House

NACC Trustees  Gun Raffle –   We are raffling off a   Mossberg 6.5 Creedmore Rifle with a Vortex Scope and Woodstock.    The drawing will be held at this regular monthly meeting.  All raffle tickets need to be turned in to Richard Kuebel by this meeting.

Golf Outing Chairman, Casey Gilmore met with Slugger and George to discuss the escalating cost of food and golfing we are facing this year in preparation for this years outing.  To enter the golf outing, fees have been increased individually to $75, which equates the cost for a four man team at $300.  (an increase of $40 per team).  All other things will be as last year.  It is time to get your teams lined up for the September 17th event at Brook Hill Golf Course.  Also, Casey will begin soliciting Hole Sponsors at a $100 or more being accepted.  If you have any questions contact Casey at 812-577-5078  email: [email protected]

New Alsace Conservation Club’s 34th Annual Fishing Derby –  Chairman Dale Back reported our derby was very successful again this year. We had a total of 179 registered fishermen, 141 Adults and 38 children under 12.  Our total of all prizes, door prizes & and award prizes were valued at $3785.00   Our sponsors donated  cash, merchandise and gift certificates valued at $6372.00.  Along with registration fees of $2376.00 for a total gross credit of $8748.00.  We had a total debt of $5407.00. And net income was $3310.00 including some inventory left over.  It was another great effort by our 30 plus members who help make it successful. A new item this year for the derby was, we gave the first 169 registered fisherman a free derby hat.  We ran out of hats though, but it was exciting.  A big thanks to all 86 sponsors who help make this happen.

CLUB HOUSE IS CLOSED ON July 17 – Graduation Party of Preston Hampton

Our Club made a donation of $50.00 to the East Central H.S. Football Boosters.

Dave Henlein reported the new bees are still alive in the hive!   Side note, the Natural Resources Defense Council is fighting big agrochemical companies over their manufactured pesticides called “neonics”, which are toxic to bees. The neonic chemicals Bayer invented– imidacloprid and clothianidin — are some of the  key factors in weakening bees and the die-off of bee colonies.

Karl E. Kelly Conservation Camp update:  The club had a last minute cancellation by one of our campers. So we are only sending 11 kids to camp this year.   The cancellation was after the camp deadline of June 1st, some of that money had already purchased camper supplies for that individual.  The club donated the balance of the fee to the ICOO camp to use as needed.

The BEN DALL AWARD Committee has been assembled – Chuck Schmeltzer, Pres., Rob Seig, Past Pres., Gutz Callahan & Dave Henlien will be looking at past and present members to honor one worthy of the Ben Dall Award.  Ben, as many of you know was our clubs first  president.

East Central H.S. FFA competed in state wildlife habitat on May 21 on the campus of Purdue University. The team of James Bulach, Braden McDaniel, Bradley Kolb, Evan Kuhn placed sixth in the Indiana 4-H/FFA Wildlife Habitat Career Development Event, where they identified 25 wildlife specimens and completed a general wildlife knowledge exam, evaluated wildlife habitats and suggested  improvement practices, and worked together to complete a wildlife management plan from a given scenario.  Great Job!!

Sometimes we forget just how important our trustees are to the well being of our club.  A Big Thank You to Gutz Callahan, Aaron True & Slugger Kuebel for all the things they do to keep things running and looking nice at the club properties.

Yours in Conservation,

Chuck Schmeltzer,  President              Phone:  812-623-4103

2022 MEMBERSHIP DUES are now being collected.   New members are welcome.   If you already paid your dues, thank you for your being apart of our organization.  NACC dues annually are $12.00  and you can pick up  an affiliate Indiana Wildlife Federation for the discounted  fee of $20.00 (optional)   mail to:  New Alsace Conservation Club, PO Box 302, Sunman, IN  47041  NOTE:  SOME MEMBERS HAVE PAID MULTIPLY YEARS IN ADVANCE. IF YOUR ONE OF THEM, DISREGARD THIS NOTICE:  IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, CHECK THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE THIS LETTER CAME IN.   ABOVE YOU NAME IS A DATE – THIS IS HOW  LONG YOUR DUES ARE PAID THROUGH.


For more  info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail:  [email protected] or  go to and submit your questions through the comment section.  NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the  state of Indiana .                                                                                                                                                                                           db