NACC’s next meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 8th , at 7 pm in the club house.
We will be doing this by social distancing.
As you know, many things these past months have been canceled. Needless to say, the Karl E. Kelly Conservation Camp was canceled this year. But the good news is, the Indiana Conservation Officers Org. – ICOO has decided to allow us to roll over our payment for this years 9 campers to be used for next year. And the ICOO is allowing all campers to go next year in 2021, even the ones that would be going to the 7th grade, since they normally on take 5th & 6t graders. Matt Tholen, CO said he would call all campers to ask them if they are interested in camp next year……. We have had no camper call and cancel out at this time. Now we don’t know how many available openings the camp will have next year at this time, So, we will have to be very prompt in getting next years group registered. Now is the time to be asking if kids are interested in going to camp in 2021, as we will be soliciting for names this coming November.
New Alsace Conservation Club’s 32nd Annual Fishing Derby results: Not knowing what to expect this year with delaying the derby 7 weeks, Dale will be reporting on the derby at this meeting. He says we had a very good derby, much better than last year. And Dale would like to thank everyone for all their hard work to make it a big success again. And also thanks to the many sponsors who supported our derby.
Children Under 12: 1st Catfish – Decklynn Rotch 3.72 lbs., 1st Bass – Mia Nagel .97 lb., and 1st Blue Gill – David May .37 lb.
No Tagged Catfish Winner. Though we had a 25lb catfish tagged!!!
Adults 12 and older: 1st Catfish – Jason Lee 23.49 lbs (record for all derbies) 1st Bass – Dan Tupper 1.08 lbs., 1st Blue Gill – Jeremiah Huff .45 lb.
Winner of the Griddle Raffle is Darrell Boehringer, Winner of the 2 Man Pheasant Hunt is Brent Hylton. There were many tip board winners who came away with some great prizes
The club received a total of $100.00 in donations that were made in memory of member Bob Walker. Thanks to those kind people
NACC EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT, by James Bulach in progress. No Updates.
Club House will be closed on: July 4, Aaron True party; July 18, Bob Rosemeyer party; Sept. 12, Slugger Kuebel party.
Looking forward, Our Annual Golf Outing at North Branch Golf Course is on September 19. Rob Seig will now begin soliciting Hole Sponsors to help send kids to camp in 2021. If you know of anyone that is willing to sponsor, contact Rob or stop by his surveying office in St. Leon. All proceeds go to sending kids to camp.
KUDZU – an INVASIVE VINE – there are 205 confirmed sites of kudzu found in 43 of Indiana’s counties. This aggressive vine covers nearly everything it reaches and out competes native vegetation. It will grow over the tops of trees, increasing their weight & causing them to fall. The plant came from Japan in the 1930s and was distributed by the US Soil Conservation Service throughout the southern states for a forage crop and erosion control, and has spread to Canada, back in 2009. Kudzu has a large leaf composed of three smaller leaflets. Young vines have brown hairs on the stem and older are more woody. Fragrant purple flowers may appear in mid to late summer. Kudzu looks like a wild grape except for the grooves it has in its bark. If you see kudzu, contact the DNR Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology at 1-866-NOEXOTIC. It needs to be destroyed. “The vine that ate the south” as it is sometimes called. Outdoor Indiana magazine, Ken Cote, Division of entomology & Plant Pathology
Yours in Conservation,
Chuck Schmeltzer, President Phone: 812-623-4103
For more info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail: [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section. NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the state of Indiana . db