NACC Newsletter – July 2019

NACC’s next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 10th , at 7 pm in the club house.   Happy Fourth of July and remember those who helped secure our independence.

NACC Semi-Annual Board Meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday,  July 16 at 6:30pm.  This is for all board members to attend and review the status of the club.

A lot of head ways has been made towards preparing the grounds for a Conex container storage box the club is purchasing.  Dave, Aaron and Dale took the task of removing trees and brush  in the selected area.  I was able then to use my bobcat and push the tree stumps out of the way.   We then called in KT to bring 24 ton  gravel  to be leveled for the  box to rest on.  Trustees and Chad W.  will  bee meeting to get the Conex Box delivered and paid for.  Thanks to all those who helped make this happen.

Mark your calendar.  NACC 13th Annual Golf Outing is being held Saturday, September 21 at North Branch Golf Course, located of I-74 New Point exit, 8492 E. Base Rd, Greensburg, IN.  Our format will be the same as in the past.  All Proceeds go towards sending kids to  the conservation camp.  Golfer will play 18 holes of golf with a four man team.  There will be Skins, Morning breakfast sandwiches, and Prime Rib Dinner.   TBA – Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin.   Cost for the event is $260.00 per four man team.  A $65.00 deposit is required to reserve per team.  Tee off at 8:00 am.  

For those members who golf or may know of a foursome interested, we will have flyers available at this meeting for you to distribute as you play golf this summer…  For More Golf Outing information, contact  Rob Seig at [email protected]  or phone 812-209-9099    or contact Mark Lewis at phone 812-221-0030.

Conservation History:

            Dale B. met with Jennifer Hughes, Dearborn Co. SWCD who coordinate the  IWF Habitat Workshop last month.

Jennifer spoke a little about IWF – Indiana Wildlife Federation and their affiliate clubs in Indiana and in Dearborn Co., but she really didn’t know the history of IWF and Dearborn County as Dale had recalled.  Below is a snap shot of the history Dale found.

            Prior to the name becoming IWF, in 1960 they were Indiana Conservation Council, Inc., but long before that – in 1921 to be precise – the Indiana State Conservation Advisory Committee was created and it is from this Committee that the Council was a direct outgrowth.  And later this group changed its name to IWF when they became affiliate of the NWF – National Wildlife Federation.  They are still an independent organization and their stated objectives remain almost identical.

            From a summary of IWF’s club memberships, listed by counties  on March 10, 1961, the Indiana Conservation Council, Inc. listed clubs as affiliate members from Dearborn Co. as:

  • Dearborn County Conservation Ass’n, Inc.  with 37 members
  • Guilford Conservation Club  with 22 members
  • Lawrenceburg Conservation Club with 6 members
  • Harrison Gun and Conservation Club with 18 members
  • Manchester Fish and Game Club with 27 members
  • North Dearborn Conservation Club with 27 members

            It is very interesting to note, that only today the NACC – New Alsace Conservation Club, Inc. is an affiliate member of IWF with 13 members out of their 74 total as members.  And has been affiliated with IWF for about 29 years to date.

Also, North Dearborn Conservation Club had been an affiliate member of IWF for several years of late, but discontinued about three years ago.

            Over the years clubs have supported IWF in many of their objectives and continue encouraging individuals and clubs to become members of IWF as a way to stay abreast on our state’s conservation concerns, and to have a voice to be heard at our legislative level.

CLUB HOUSE CLOSED FOR PRIVATE PARTIES ON:   July 6 – Rosemeyer graduation party, July 28 – Doll Family Reunion

Remember when using the club grounds,  leave it looking as it was or better.  Carry all trash out with you.  Thanks.

Yours in Conservation,

Chuck Schmeltzer,  President              Phone:  812-623-4103     

For more  info about NACC – contact Dale Back , Secretary at (812)623-2431 or E-mail:  [email protected] or go to and submit your questions through the comment section.  NACC is a 501 c 4 not for profit organization incorporated in the  state of Indiana.